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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela



We provide high-quality early childhood education to children from three to five years olds . Through Pre-K for All, 3-K for All,  we provide high-quality early childhood education opportunities that offer all children and families a strong start in school and life.

NEW 3-K for All Programs! 

  • We've just added more 3-K for All programs to the application for the upcoming school year. You can search for these new program options today in MySchools(Open external link).

  • More new programs—including those from new 3-K for All districts—will also be added to the 3-K application in MySchools(Open external link) throughout April and May. Don’t worry if you don’t see options in your district yet: check back soon to see more program options. 

With 3K&Pre-K for All, Opportunity Starts Now

In free, full-day, high-quality 3K/ pre-K, teachers are sparking wonder and igniting learning in our children. 3K/Pre-K for All gives children stronger math and reading skills in elementary school and a better chance at success in life. Studies show that early childhood education improves performance throughout a child’s school experience.

In these high-quality programs, children are in a safe learning environment with many opportunities to explore, create, and participate in engaging learning activities and to interact with other children and adults. Programs build on the strengths and diverse backgrounds children and families bring to the classroom to support all learners in gaining foundations for success in school, at home, and in life. 

3K/Pre-K for All runs five days per week from September to June. Brooklyn's Daily Discovery 3K/Pre-K Centers are all a full-day schedule (6 hours and 20 minutes). Breafast and lunch are provided daily!

Pre-K Application is Now Open!

All NYC families  can now apply to Pre-K  Right now you can:

  • Explore current pre-K programs and apply with MySchools.

  • Sign up for our pre-K email list today to get admissions tips and updates.

View, download or pick up a copy of the NYC Pre-K Admissions Guide to learn about the pre-K application process and to find pre-K program options by borough. Print copies of this guide are available at elementary schools, pre-K programs and Family Welcome Centers.  For the most up-to-date information about pre-K programs, please see the MySchools Directory.


Pre-K resources are also available in translation:

العربية  | বাংলা  |  中文  |  Français  |  Kreyòl Ayisyen  |  한국어  |  Русский  |  Español  |  اردو  

Preschool Special Education Services

There is a range of education and related services available to support preschool students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Services will always be provided in your child's least restrictive environment (LRE). This means that your child will receive his or her programs and services in a setting with non-disabled peers to the greatest extent appropriate. The team will first consider whether your child's needs can be met in a general education setting. Other settings, such as a special class are considered only if your child would not be able to make meaningful progress in a general education class, even with the help of supports and services. LRE also considers the intensity of support provided with related services and paraprofessional recommendations.  


Related Services Available: Services can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, counseling, orientation and mobility services, hearing, vision, and health services. Related services support academic goals.


Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT): A SEIT is a special education teacher who works closely with a student on academic, emotional, and social skills. This service can be delivered in small groups or one-on-one in the general education classroom or child care location that you choose. 


Special Classes (12:1:2 , 8:1:2 , 6:1;2  Full Day Program): This is a program that only serves students with IEPs whose needs cannot be met in the general education setting . Students in a special class have similar levels of academic and learning characteristics, social development, physical development and/or management needs. Special classes are led by a special education teacher and two paraprofessionals. There are 12 students in our special classes.

What is SCIS?
SCIS classes, sometimes called pre-K integrated co-teaching (ICT) classes, include preschool children with and without
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). There are two teachers in a SCIS class, one general education teacher and one
special education teacher. The teachers work together to support all of the students in the class. There are also two
classroom paraprofessionals in a SCIS class. SCIS classes follow grade-level curriculum, which includes the New York State Pre-Kindergarten Foundation for the Common Core. There is no difference between the content or curriculum being taught in a SCIS class and a general education class. The rigor of the instruction is also the same in a SCIS class. 



If your child's IEP recommends special class you child will be offered transportation to and from the program.

We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact to request assistance.

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